
Enabling business success through coaching and connection.

Your people are essential to the success of your organisation. Enhance the leadership skills, personal effectiveness, and overall performance of your staff with our unique coaching solutions.

Tailored coaching solutions

Our qualified coach Kimberley Anderson offers one to one coaching to developing leaders and decision makers across Aotearoa.

Trained at the Australian Institute of Professional Coaches, Kimberley has a background in executive coaching, using a structured and collaborative approach designed to help your leaders reach their full potential and achieve their professional goals.

We understand that every organisation is different, so we tailor our coaching to you. Kimberley will work in partnership with you and your organisation to determine which coaching solution will add value to your team and organisation.

“I can’t tell you how much your support and coaching have meant and helped!”
 — Kelly, Coaching Client

Kimberley offers coaching in the following areas:

Leadership coaching – supporting CEO’s, MD’s, and change leaders to harness their position for outstanding outcomes, and manage the demands of multiple stakeholders.

Executive coaching – coaching for senior executives working in complex environments, in challenging decision-making roles.

Management coaching – supporting emerging leaders and developing middle-managers as they progress into leadership roles.

Team coaching – a collaborative process that helps members understand their roles, strengths, and weaknesses while aligning their efforts toward shared goals, enhancing teamwork, problem solving and productivity.

Strength based coaching - identifying and leveraging an individual's existing and unique strengths, talents, and attributes to help them achieve their professional goals.

Start your journey with Intepeople.
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Better people make a better world
Better people make a better world
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